SLA Awards Night


Full Program click here


SLA Awards Night Program

Double Tree Hotel - Capital Ball Room

  • 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM Cocktails

  • 6:10 PM  Program Start

  • 6:15 PM  PGLL Awards

1. Crop-Aid Junior PGLL Most Outstanding Offensive Player

2. Crop-Aid Junior PGLL Most Outstanding Defensive Player

3. Crop-Aid Junior PGLL Most Valuable Player

4. GWB Senior PGLL Most Outstanding Offensive Player

5. GWB Senior PGLL Most Outstanding Defensive Player

6. GWB Senior PGLL Most Valuable Player

  • 6:30 PM  Prayers / Supper

  • 7:30 PM  Reminder 15 mins to start

  • 7:45 PM  SLA Awards

1. SLA Junior Coach of the Year

2. SLA Coach of the Year

3. SLA Volunteer of the Year

4. SLA Media of the Year

5. SLA Sponsor of the Year

6. SLA Team of the Year

7. SLA Minor Official of the Year

8. SLA Major Official of the Year

9. SLA Minor Female Player of the Year

10. SLA Minor Male Player of the Year

11. SLA Russell Slobodian Major Male Athlete of the Year

  • 8:15 PM Team Sask Awards

1.U13 Jr. Rush

2. U15 Jr. Rush

3. U13 Female Team Sask

4. U15 Female Team Sask

5. U19 Team Sask Women’s Field

6. U22 Team Sask Female

7. U13 Team Sask Male Box

8. U15 Team Sask Male Box

9. U17 Team Sask Male Box

10. U17 Team Sask Coed Field

  • 9 PM Closing Remarks


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